Protégé CREATE/PLAY Studio is a custom solution tailored to meet your school’s needs and resources. The studio can either be an enhancement to your current tech/creative offering or it can be the creative transformative center for your school. Solutions are directly supported by our professional developers and studio with curriculum, content, tools, and processes that supports your teacher. learn more...
- Studio Environment w/Branding
- Curriculum & Content
- Tools
- Training
- Direct Studio Support

CREATE Video Game Development Studio!
Protégé CREATE studio is the center for learning creative and technology skills using video game development. Students are immersed in a world class development system that exposes them to disciplines, processes, and tools to create their very own video games.
Protégé has been in business for over 10 years working with kids, young adults, educators and industries. Members have gone on to successful careers in the creative and technical industries, including working on successful high-profile video games.
- Environment is important for creative inspiration.
- Curriculum and our game development content encourages and hooks the learner.
- Tools used by industry professionals.
- Training and support for teachers is the confidence for running a CREATE Studio

PLAY Esports Studio!
Protégé ESports League (PEL) and PLAY studio is your school’s pathway to bring ESports to your students and community. Our program provides schools and instructors with the right structure, league, and content.
Protégé Esports can be offered as a course and/or as an after school sport program for non-traditional athletes. If properly run, ESports can be a tool for harnessing the good of interactive team game play.